
Positive Music Entertainment offers a conducive and supportive environment for artiste development that doesn’t rely on overnight success, and which plugs artistes into an ocean of creative ambition/outlets and income streams. With our multifaceted house offerings, talents have a chance to get involved in creative work that makes the most of their strengths, fosters creativity, and develops their skills and productivity as they work towards their main goal as a high profile commercial artiste. 

‏PME aims to provide talent the chance to experiment with and choose their own areas of focus within the company, whilst being flexible and allowing the artiste’s focus to shift and evolve as their skills and success expand.

At Positive Music we foster relations with artiste on a freelance basis e.g. for bespoke Sync, library music etc, as well as offering exclusive 360 deal (Multiple rights) contracts to support our recording artistes.


PME Culture

The Positive Music Culture supports artistes in managing their charitable interests or foundations, and where possible seeks to partner artiste brands and charities in strategic and impactful ways.


PME Vision

Positive Studios manifests a vision of limited risk and overheads with stable sustainability for company and artiste – where Talent is offered a chance to consistently prolifically produce creative output across the multiple departments at PME. All the while talent is free – following completion of any outstanding briefs or work they have committed to – to shift focus to their main goal as a commercial artiste in line with the demands of their recording/touring and or promo schedule.





Kemi is a woman wonder. She is outspoken and eloquent with a confidence born of experience.

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Legal practitioner

Oseka Mosimobale


Oseka is a top of the line legal counsel with a positive reputation for excellence in his field.

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